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A Walk in the Desert

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Add a comma. Adam was born in Brooklyn New York.
Adam was born in Brooklyn, New York.
Add a comma. She was born in Taipei Taiwan.
She was born in Taipei, Taiwan.
Add a comma. Ian was born on December 27 2014.
Ian was born on December 27, 2014.
Add a comma. Jerry was born on August 26 2014.
Jerry was born on August 26, 2014.
Add quotation marks. Henry's mother said, Let's go!
Henry's mother said, "Let's go!"
Add quotation marks. Welcome to my home, said Tim.
"Welcome to my home," said Tim.
Combine the two sentences. George speaks English. George writes in Japanese.
George speaks English and writes in Japanese.
Combine the two sentences. Mr.K is tall. Mr.K has black hair.
Mr.K is tall and has black hair.
What song did Henry's dad sing?
He sang Love Me Tender.
He sang Love Me Surrender.
He sang Love Me Kiss Me.
Where can we find deserts?
We can find deserts all over the world.
We can only find deserts in Taiwan.
We can only find deserts in hot places.
What animals did Henry see?
He saw a fish, a doe and its fawn.
He saw a racoon, a fish and a bear.
He saw a doe and its fawn and a racoon.
What is the predicate of the sentence? Her parents set up a tent.
set up a tent
Her parents
What is the predicate of the sentence? My friend and I build a campfire.
build a campfire
My friend and I
What is expository text?
Tells facts about a topic.
Made-up events that could happen.
A story written to be acted out for others.
What animals can we find in a desert?
Jack rabbits, tortoises and snakes.
Sharks, monkeys and frogs.
There are no animals in a desert.
What do Jack rabbits eat?
Jack rabbits eat plants.
Jack rabbits eat meat
Jack rabbits eat pizza.
What can Henry's mom do?
She can set up a tent and build a campfire.
She can play the guitar and run fast.
She can't do anything.
What type of story is A Walk in the Desert?
Expository text
Realistic fiction
The students __________ loudly when they lined up .
They are _________.
The girl is __________.
The boy __________ at me yesterday.
The father is __________ his baby.
The white dog is _________.
The man is _________ a box.
The game is __________.
She is __________..
The water is __________.
He __________ his phone.