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5A - HW Checking W20

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are they going to go if there’s so much noise upstairs?
They are going to .....
What is your family going to get ready for the sandstorm?
My family is going to .... / We are going to ....
What are you going to do if it’s rainy?
I am going to .... / We are going to ....
What are you going to do in the snow?
I am going to .... / We are going to ....
What are your cousins going to do if there’s a flood?
My cousins are going to ..... / They are going to ....
his parents/ see/ movie?
Are his parents going to see a movie?
My sisters/ not/ bake/ cake.
My sisters are not going to bake a/the/some cake.
I/ not / clean/ room.
I am not going to clean the room.
Mary/ play sports/ friends.
Mary is going to play sports with her friends.
Jack/ go/ picnic/ family.
Jack is going to go on a picnic with his family.
It’s hot today. I ………………… go swimming.
am going to
It usually rains more than this. I think there …………… be a drought.
is going to
It’s snowing. He ……………… wear a warm coat.
is going to
A sandstorm is coming. My parents …….......... get the house ready.
are going to
PRONUNCIATION: tOrnado - stOrm - strOng - snOw
PRONUNCIATION: wind - blizzard - lightning - hurricane
PRONUNCIATION: drOUght - clOUd - rOUgh - rOUnd