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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You play by attacking other people with balls of snow
throw snowballs
To collect leaves on the ground using a tool
rake leaves
In this sport, you need 2 rackets and a green ball
play tennis
To move your feet on the ground by rollerblades
go skating
To move on foot with a slow pace outside the house
go for a walk
They often set tents near the lake, or in the woods and have campfire
go camping
Kids like to have this in hot days.
eat ice cream
You do this when your house is dirty.
clean the house
You can meet your friends and teachers
start school
You only do this when the apples on the trees are ripe
pick apples
You can build small houses, or castles with sand
make a sandcastle
People travel to this place a lot in hot summer.
go to the beach
You need to water them every day after doing this.
plant flowers
In this game, you need a bat, a ball and gloves
play baseball
To sit and slide over snow on a long object of wood, plastic or metal .
go sledding
You build a human figure with snow.
make a snowman