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Hitching a Ride ESL Unit 1 B

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Something made for the first time
When you make a live copy of something
a living thing that is not free to leave is considered ____
What is something that is hard to do?
a word meaning : stick to something else?
What does the Crittercam do?
It records activities of the shark or other animals with an attached camera.
What was the first animal to be tested with Crittercam?
a captive turtle
Greg Marshall is a _________ because he studies topics in science and conducts experiments.
The Crittercam went through many ________ before it could be used by other scientists to study different animals.
What gave Greg the idea for the inventing the crittercam?
The remora (fish)
What year did Greg Marshall make the first Crittercam prototype?
Why did Greg use a captive turtle to test the Crittercam?
Because it is easier to handle