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Chapter 30 Engine Starting System

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Name two reasons for starting the combustion engine in a hybrid.
a need to recharge the HV battery, a demand for more power during acceleration or high-speed operation, start an engine that has not been started for a certain
True or False? The internal combustion engine in a hybrid runs only when it is needed.
A _____ uses a small current flow from the start switch or ECM to control a slightly higher current flow to the starter solenoid.
starter relay
neutral safety switch
A(n) _____ is sometimes used to further increase the rotating force applied to the engine flywheel.
reduction starter
The starter solenoid is located _____.
on the starter motor or on a body panel away from the starte
on the starter motor
on a body panel away from the starter
in the starter motor itself
Why is an overrunning clutch needed?
Without the overrunning clutch, the starter could be driven by the engine flywheel. The flywheel gear could spin the starter too fast and cause armature damage.
The starter pinion gear is the small gear on the _____ that engages the large gear on the _____.
armature shaft, engine flywheel.
What are the three main sections of the starting motor?
center frame, drive end frame, brush end frame.
Starting motors that use field magnets are referred to as _____.
permanent-magnet starters
The magnetic field developed between the pole shoes can be _____ times larger than that of a permanent magnet.
A(n) _____ is a stationary insulated wire wrapped in a circular shape around iron pole shoes located inside the starter motor housing.
field winding
All of the following are used to increase starter motor power and smoothness, except:
removing the pole shoes.
connecting each winding to its own segment on the commutator
a commutator with many segments.
several loops of wire.
What is another name for the pole pieces?
Pole shoes
Like charges _____ each other and unlike charges _____ each other.
: repel, attract
A(n) _____ is made up of invisible magnetic lines of force.
magnetic field
The _____ uses battery power and an electric motor to turn the engine crankshaft.
12-volt starting system
An engine starting system must crank or spin the engine until fuel _____ forces the pistons down and the engine begins to operate on its own power.