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A Christmas Carol Stave 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is Fred the opposite of Scrooge?
He is happy, outgoing and loves Christmas
How does Scrooge react to the two men requesting donations for the poor?
He refuses to give them anything, believing that poor people who can’t support themselves should go to workhouses, prisons, treadmills or simply die.
Why does Scrooge use the phrase "humbug"?
To show when he thinks something is nonsense
What job does Scrooge have?
He's a creditor (someone who lends people or businesses money)
Who is described as "a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone"?
How is Fred related to Scrooge?
He is Scrooge's nephew
What does Marley warn Scrooge about?
To change his ways and that he will be haunted by 3 spirits
Scrooge is described as being: "Hard and sharp as flint". What is this an example of?
What is the name of Scrooges clerk?
Bob Crathcit
Fill in the gap: "They had better do it, and decrease the ______ population.”
How many years before the story began did Jacob Marley die?
7 years
What two things would Scrooge rather support than charity?
Prisons and workhouses
We know Scrooge hates Christmas. What does his nephew Fred think of it?
He believes that its “a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time.”
Where does Scrooge first see the face of Marley's ghost?
In his door knocker
Why does Scrooge like the darkness?
Because it is "cheap"
Fill in the gap: "solitary as an ____ "