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Brake System Technology: Chapter 80

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A power brake _____ uses power steering pump pressure to help the driver apply the brake pedal.
hydraulic booster
Describe the function and purpose of an emergency brake system.
For added safety. Oh and Drifting
Today’s hybrid vehicles are equipped with _____ braking systems.
Parking brakes provide a(n) _____ means (cables and levers) of applying the brakes.
_____ pull the brake shoes away from the brake drums.
Retracting springs
The backing plate holds all of the following drum brake components, except:
brake drum.
wheel cylinder.
All of the following are true about brake discs, except:
the brake disc is normally made of aluminum.
they may be an integral part of the wheel hub
the ventilated disc has a series of ribs
they may be solid or vented.
_____ are frequently used to keep the brake pads from vibrating and rattling.
Anti-rattle clips
Technician A says newer vehicles use brake pad linings made of heat- resistant organic or semimetallic friction materials. Technician B says newer vehicles use pad linings made of asbestos. Who is right?
A only.
B only.
Both A and B.
Neither A nor B.
Disc brake pads are _____ to which linings are riveted.
steel plates
Prevents pressure leakage between the piston and the cylinder.
Piston seal
Piston boot
Bleeder screw
return spring
Allows air to be removed from the hydraulic brake system.
Bleeder screw
Piston seal
Piston boot
return spring
Keeps road dirt and water off the caliper piston and the wall of the cylinder
Piston boot
Piston seal
Bleeder screw
Return spring
The _____ is included in a brake caliper assembly.
piston seal
return spring
master cylinder
cylinder cup
True or False? Disc brakes are like the brakes on a ten-speed bicycle.
Brake _____ and brake _____ transfer fluid pressure from the master cylinder to the wheel brake assemblies.
lines, hoses
Power brakes use _____ to assist brake pedal application
Both a booster and engine vacuum
an engine vacuum
atmospheric pressure
a booster
The _____ is a lever arm to increase the force applied to the master cylinder piston.
brake pedal assembly
push rod
master cylinder
When hydraulic _____ of different sizes are used, motion and force can be increased or decreased.
List the three principles that apply to the operation of a hydraulic system.
liquids in a confined area will not compress, but air in a confined area will compress; when pressure is applied to a closed system, pressure is exerted equally
A hydraulic system uses a(n) _____ to transmit motion and pressure.
Technician A says front-wheel-drive cars can have a very low braking ratio at the front wheels. Technician B says front-wheel-drive cars can have a very high braking ratio at the front wheels. Who is right?
B only.
A only.
Both A and B.
Neither A nor B.
How much braking power do the front wheel brakes handle?
60% to 70%
Technician A says a wheel cylinder assembly houses a hydraulic piston that is forced outward by fluid pressure. Technician B says a brake drum rubs against brake shoes to stop or slow wheel rotation. Who is right?
Both A and B.
A only.
B only.
Neither A nor B.
All of the following are parts of a disc brake assembly, except:
wheel cylinder.
brake pads.
_____ brakes are frequently used on the two front wheels of a vehicle. _____ brakes are often used on the rear wheels.
Disc, Drum
Technician A says lever action pushes a rod into the brake booster and master cylinder when the driver pushes on the brake pedal. Technician B says this produces hydraulic pressure in the master cylinder. Who is right?
Both A and B.
A only.
B only.
Neither A nor B.
With _____ brakes, a conventional hydraulic brake system is combined with an electric regenerative braking system provided by the hybrid’s driveline.
Automotive ______________provide the means of using friction to slow, stop, or hold the wheels of a vehicle.