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Benjamin Zephaniah

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Dub poetry?
Poetry that sounds musical because the poet changes the pitch and rhythm of their voice.
What special diet does Benjamin Zephaniah follow?
He is a vegan.
He is a vegetarian.
He does not eat sugar.
He does not eat gluten.
Did Benjamin Zephaniah enjoy English at school?
No! He found reading and writing very difficult and did not feel supported by his teachers.
Where does Benjamin Zephaniah live now?
What does 'accent' mean?
The way people pronounce words.
What does 'dialect' mean?
The specific words or phrases that are used in a particular place.
What does the word 'diversity' mean?
Variety, representing a range of different people from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities etc.
Which of these is a famous poem by Benjamin Zephaniah?
Talking Turkeys
Singing Seals
Dancing Dinosaurs
Kickboxing Koala Bears
What is dyslexia?
A learning difficulty linked to reading, where people struggle to process written words.
Where were Benjamin Zephaniah's parents from?
The Caribbean
Why did Benjamin Zephaniah leave shool at 13?
Because he couldn't read or write.
Which of these is NOT one of Benjamin Zephaniah's jobs?
Postal worker
Song writer
What does the word 'immigrant' mean?
A person who moves to live permanently in a new country.
When was Benjamin Zephaniah born?
15th April 1958
True or false? Animal rights is a common theme in his poetry.
Where was Benjamin Zephaniah born?