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Merry Christmas

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Santa is tired. He (SLEEP).
Santa is tired. He is sleeping.
Santa (GO) on holiday every summer.
Santa goes on holiday every summer.
Santa always (PLAY) basketball.
Santa always plays basketball.
What is Santa doing? He (CLEAN) the floor.
What is Santa doing? He is cleaning the floor.
Santa (EAT) pizza now.
Santa is eating pizza now.
Santa (DO) karate every day.
Santa does karate every day.
Santa (COOK) lunch at the moment.
Santa is cooking lunch at the moment.
Santa (LOVE) listening to music.
Santa loves listening to music.
Santa (FEED) the reindeer at the moment.
Santa is feeding the reindeer at the moment.
Santa often (PLAY) the guitar.
Santa often plays the guitar.
Santa and the reindeer (DANCE) now.
Santa and the reindeer are dancing now.
Santa (WATCH) TV every evening.
Santa watches TV every evening.
Santa and his wife (DO) the shopping now.
Santa and his wife are doing the shopping now.
Santa (RUN) every morning.
Santa runs every morning.
Where is Santa? He (HIDE) behind the Christmas tree.
Where is Santa? He is hiding behind the Christmas tree.
Santa usually (RIDE) a bike in the evening.
Santa usually rides a bike in the evening.
Look! Santa (SWIM) in the pool.
Look! Santa is swimming in the pool.