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Ancient China Growth and Achievement

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which dynasty used feudalism to encourage loyalty for land?
Zhou Dynasty
What structure was built to protect China from northern invaders?
The Great Wall
Why did the Han dynasty last for a longer term than the Qin Dynasty?
The Qin ruler used legalism- strict rules and harsh punishment to rule by fear
What made cultural diffusion possible during the Han dynasty?
They traded with other civilizations to build wealth and conquered lands beyond their border
What innovation did the Chinese use to improve record-keeping?
woodblock printing
What kind of philosophical practices did the Han use to rule the people?
Both legalism and confucianism
What major invention did the Han use to navigate to the western civilizations?
A magnetic compass
Name the items that were traded by the Han Dynasty.
silk, spices, porcelain, and jewelry
Describe the Silk Road.
Series of trade routes between India and the rest of civilization
Name the dynasty and the leader of the first empire of China?
Qin Dynasty and Qin Shi Huangdi
What were the Analects?
The teachings of Confucianism
How did Qin Shi Huangdi enforce control over the people?
He established legalism that gave absolute power to the king using strict laws and harsh punishments
How did Confucius propose to fix the political and cultural issues?
Developed a philosophy that emphasized kinship, order, and respect within a hierarchal structure
How did the mandate make governing China easier?
Encouraged the people to follow whoever was in charge because they were chosen by the gods
How did geography affect the development of anc. China?
They were isolated by a plateau, mountains, and a desert
Describe the type of farming technique Ancient China used to farm on hillsides.
Terrace farming were flat areas dug out on mountain sides