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16th century

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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13.- Children in the 16th century played with spin tops and dolls.
12.- What their parents told them in the night?
Bedtime stories.
11.- In the 16th century there was electricity...
10.- Mention one game that they played
Hide and seek, hopscotch.
9.- Children in the 16 th century didn´t have much time to play.
8.- The peasant boys cultivated...
corn, squash and beans.
7.- After school the noble boys practiced?
Fencing and horse back riding.
6.- One thing that the noble boys learned at school.
math, latin, science.
5.- One thing that the noble girls learned.
Good manners and dance.
4.- Name of the noble girls´ teacher.
The governess.
3.- Name something different that you do from the children of the 16th century.
Student answer
2.- Did the peasant boys and girls do the same activities?
No, boys went to school, girls stayed at house.
1.- Who went to the school?
The noble boys