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Biblical riddle

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am one of the seven. I do have age with Marry. What am I?
Sacrament of Marriage
We are twin and called as empathy when we are one. We do worry and take action to help. What am I?
Sympathy and Compassion
I am not a human neither an animal nor a thing. I am composed of seven as a channel of God's grace and love. Who am I?
They wrap and to the others they give me. I also make people people happy
Noah most likely got milk from the cows on the ark. What did he get from the ducks?
On the day before Christmas, what did Adam say?
It's Christmas, Eve!
What is a shark’s most favorite bible story?
Noah's Shark
I am something you might read when you’re sitting in a pew. I contain two testaments: one that’s old and one that’s new. What am I?
I can look like a T, I can look like an X. I can be found on chains, hung around people’s necks. What am I?
It’s not a person nor an animal but He’s got a face. Who is he?
To whom do mice pray their wishes to?
I was created so Adam wouldn’t be alone. The way that God made me was by using Adam’s rib bone. Who am I?
I led Israelites out of Egypt and went up Mount Sinai alone. I came back down with 10 commandments written on two tablets of stone. Who am I?