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A2 > 4B > Questions with prepositions of time an ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you have lunch ___ work / school during the week?
Do you have lunch AT work / school during the week?
Do you go ___ a restaurant for dinner ___ Friday nights?
Do you go TO a restaurant for dinner ON Friday nights?
Do you make dinner ___ the evening?
Do you make dinner IN the evening?
Do you prefer to do exercise ___ the morning or ___ the evening?
Do you prefer to do exercise IN the morning or IN the evening?
Do you watch TV ____ lunchtime?
Do you watch TV AT lunchtime?
Do you sleep for eight hours ___ night?
Do you sleep for eight hours AT night?
When do you finish work / your classes ___ Wednesdays?
When do you finish work / your classes ON Wednesdays?
Do you go ___ the cinema ___ the weekend?
Do you go TO the cinema AT the weekend?
Do you have classes ___ Tuesday evenings?
Do you have classes ON Tuesday evenings?
Do you like the weather __ the summer in your country?
Do you like the weather IN the summer in your country?
Do you go ___ bed early ___ Sunday nights?
Do you go TO bed early ON Sunday nights?
Do you work ___ an office?
Do you work IN an office?
Do you have a shower ___ the morning or ___ night?
Do you have a shower IN the morning or AT night?
Do you go shopping ___ Saturday mornings?
Do you go shopping ON Saturday mornings?
Do you drink coffee ___ the morning?
Do you drink coffee IN the morning?
Do you do your English homework ___ the evening?
Do you do your English homework IN the evening?
How do you relax ___ the weekend?
How do you relax AT the weekend?
What do you usually do ___ Christmas?
What do you usually do AT Christmas?
What time do you go ___ bed ____ Fridays?
What time do you go TO bed ON Fridays?
Where do you go on holiday ____ the summer?
Where do you go on holiday IN the summer?
Do you get up ___ 7.00 ____ Saturday mornings?
Do you get up AT 7.00 ON Saturday mornings?
Do you have lunch ___ home during the week?
Do you have lunch AT home during the week?