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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is another word for abandon
leave, ditch, give up
Why did Pompeii become known as the lost city
the city was buried under 23 feet of dirt and survivors could not remember the location of the city.
Why did the survivors leave the city of Pompeii
the city was covered in mud and flames
Vesuvius erupted how did day turn into night
the dark smoke blocked out the sunlight
Why do you think people lived near a volcano
maybe they didn't know what it was
What country was pompeii located
Why were the people of Pompeii disbelieving about Vesuvius erupting
the volcano had not erupted in their lifetime
The eruption of vesuvius was a catastrophe because:
Where might you find a tomb
What is a tomb
an object or place that holds bodies
after vesuvius erupted a vast, dark cloud filled the sky. What does vast mean?
enormous of very large
What is a synonym for tremor
shake, tremble, vibrate, quake
The summit of Vesuvius exploded. Do you the summit is the top or the bottom of a mountain
What things can erupt
a soda can, a chemical experiment, fireworks
Vesuvius was dormant because?
It had not erupted in many years
What does erupt mean?
blow up or burst
Vesuvius was an enormous voclano that loomed or stood over pompeii. What other large object in nature looms over people?
trees, mountains, rock formations etc.
what does disbelieving mean
not believing
What does "dis" mean in the beginning of a word