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Ancient China Geography

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Name number 7
Northern Yellow Sea
Name number 6
Pacific Ocean
Name number 5
Yangtze River
Name number 5
Yangtze River
Name number 4
Yellow River
Name number 3.
Himalayan Mountains
Name number 2
Plateau of Tibet
Name number 1
Gobi Desert
Which river empties into the northern Yellow Sea? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Yellow River
Describe the weather in China during the winter and summer.
cool, dry winters and warm, rainy summers
How did loess in the Yellow River valley contribute to the formation of early settlements?
The loess was spread onto the plains by flooding and made the land fertile
Empties into the Pacific Ocean? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Yangtze River
Also called the Huang He river? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Yellow River
Longest river in China? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Yangtze River
Provides water resources for China? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Named for the muddy silt it carries? yellow river, yangtze river, or both
Yellow river
Is the Gobi desert north or south of China?
Is the Gobi Desert north of south of Mongolia?
Includes 9 of the 10 tallest peaks in the world? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Himalayan Mountains
Located south of Mongolia and North of China? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Gobi Desert
Located between India and China? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Himalayan mountains
Rises to above 14,800 feet above sea level? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Plateau of Tibet
Has muddy yellow silt? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Yellow River
Directly north of the Himalayan Mountains? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Plateau of Tibet
Also known as the Chang Jiang? Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mts., Yellow River, or Yangtze River
Yangtze River