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Family Quiz (2) - Round 4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many goals has Mo Salah scored against Watford?
Who is Watford's All time Premier League top scorer?
Troy Deeney
How many managers have Watford had in the last 10 years?
How many goals has Emmanuel Dennis scored for Watford this season in the Premier League?
8 goals
Name three players to transfer from Tottenham to Watford
Capoue, Sissoko, Gomes
Which player scored the final goal for Leeds against Burnley in their last match?
Daniel James
What was the score between Watford and Leeds in the 2006 Play-off Final?
3-0 to Watford!!!
Who holds the record for the most goals in one single Premier League season? How many did they score?
Mark Viduka - 22
Which Spanish team ended Leeds’ run in the Champions League at the semi-final stage in 2000/01?
What is the highest position Leeds have finished in the Premier League?
Name 3 players to have played for Liverpool and Tottenham in the Premier League Era.
Robbie Keane, Peter Crouch, Jamie Redknapp
Which players scored for Liverpool in their Champions League Final win against AC Milan
Gerrard, Smicer, Alonso
Who is Liverpool's Record signing and for how much
Virgil Van Dijk - £75 million
How many points did Liverpool get when they won their first Premier League
How many European Cups have Liverpool won?
Which years did Chelsea win the Premiership?
2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2009/2010, 2014/2015, 2016/2017
Which club did Chelsea sign Didier Drogba?
Which year in the 90s did Chelsea win the FA cup?
Which manager has managed the most premier league games for Chelsea in a single stint?
Claudio Ranieri
Who is Chelsea's transfer record signing?
Romelu Lukaku
Tottenham broke their transfer record 3 times in 2013. Who were the players?
Soldado, Paulinho, Lamela
Which Tottenham player scored 5 goals in a 9-1 win over wigan
What is Tottenham's lowest position in the premier league era?
Which minute of the game did Tottenham score their late winner in their New years win over Watford?
96th minute
What was the last cup that Tottenham won and when was it?
League Cup - 2008