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Orange Horse 3 + 4

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He was orange and came to see the orange horse first.
An orange house
He was orange and ran fast.
Race car
He was orange, ran fast and had a black mane and tail
A lion
What did you think of this book?
To feel close to someone
He was not orange but looked like the orange horse.
The brown horse
Who is the author of the book
Hsu-Kung Liu
Read this page
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Which other animals have manes?
Lions, giraffe, zebra
Hair on a horses head
Which places in Kaohsiung can you see in the book?
85 tower, dream mall, monkey mountain
They always help each other. They are ________ friends.
You did not do your homework. I am very ___________.
The baby mouse is so __________.
Please pass me the ______________, I want to cut something.
What is different between the orange horse and the brown horse?
Their color.
What is the same between the orange horse and the brown horse?
Tail, Mane, can run fast, has half an old photograph, has a long lost brother.
How did the orange horse feel when he met the brown horse?
He had never felt so happy.
Who did the orange horse meet in the art gallery?
The brown horse
Who also had a black mane and a black tail and came to see the orange horse?
A lion
Who came to see the orange horse second?
An orange race car
Who was the first to see the orange horse?
An Orange Horse