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Sunday School Intro to Old Testament

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the book of Exodus the Lord tells Moses that the people are commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy. Name a blessing you can receive from keeping this commandment
(is the Sabbath a delight?)
Joseph, who was sold into Egypt, lived a life that was a foreshadow of Jesus Christ. Can you name one thing that happened in Joseph's life that is symbolic of Jesus' life?
answer varies- students decide
Jacob wanted to marry Rachel and agreed to work for a number of years for her. On the wedding day he was tricked and married Leah. How many years did Jacob end up working in order to marry Rachel?
7+7=14 years
Name one of Abraham's family members. (He had at least two wives and two sons)
Sarah, Hagar (wives) Isaac, Ishmael (sons)
What is the token or symbol that God gave Noah (and everyone thereafter) that He would keep His part of the covenant as we keep ours?
In which book of the bible do we read the story of Noah and the Ark?
What was the secret to Samson's strength?
He covenanted to not cut his hair (along with other covenants)
What did David do with Goliath's armor after he killed him?
put it in his tent
Elijah asked the widow of Zarepheth to prepare him some food and water before she fed herself and her child. Was the widow's child a son or daughter?
What was the name of the prophet who challenged the 450 priests of Baal to see whose God would light the alter on fire?
What was David's job in his family at the time he volunteered to fight Goliath?
How many stones did David gather when he went to face Goliath?
5 (only used 1)
What book in the bible comes right before 1 Kings
2 Samuel (just 'Samuel' is also acceptable)
Another term for our 'second estate' is .......premortal life or life on earth
life on earth
Another term for our 'first estate' is ......... premortal life or like on earth
premortal life
The Book of Abraham is a translation Joseph Smith made from some Egyptian papyri. True or False
Abrahma lived before Moses. True or False
The book of Moses is part of the Joseph Smith's translation of the bible. True or False