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Ancient India

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What developments were achieved at the end of the Anc. Indian empire?
Math advancements 0-9 (Hindu-Arabic numerals), new medical techniques (surgeries, herbal remedies, med education)
Put the caste system in order from highest to lowest. vaisyas, Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Dalits, Sudras
Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, Dalits
How did you know which caste system you belonged in?
It was based on what caste system your parents belonged to. You did the same job as them.
An untouchable belongs to what caste system? Brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Sudras, or Vaisyas?
A priest belongs to what caste system? Brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Sudras, or Vaisyas?
A ruler belongs to what caste system? Brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Sudras, or Vaisyas?
A laborer belongs to what caste system? Brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Sudras, or Vaisyas?
A merchant belonged to what caste system? Brahmin, Dalits, Kshatriyas, Sudras, or Vaisyas?
Sum of person's actions? Dharma, Karma, or both?
Moral Code? Dharma, Karma, or both?
Determines what a person will be born into in next life? Dharma, Karma, or both?
Key idea of Hinduism? Dharma, Karma, or both?
Controls all aspect of life? Dharma, Karma, or both?
How do Buddhist believe you can achieve enlightenment?
Following the four noble truths
Vedas are its sacred text? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
Tripitaka is its sacred text? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
Ultimate goal is Nirvana? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
Ultimate goal is Moksha? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
Believe in the cycle of reincarnation? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
Practiced in Asia today? Hinduism, Buddhism, or both?
How did Buddhism develop? Include who started it.
Siddhartha Gautama studied human suffering and became enlightened
Who developed Hinduism?
How did monsoons affect the Indus river valley civilizations?
brought rain in order flood the river and deposit rich silt on the plains
What were the 3 Harrapan civilization's advancements?
built with bricks, sanitation system, roads arranged in a grid system