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Ancient India Geography

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of D?
Ganges River
What is the name of C?
Indian Ocean
What is the name of B?
Indus River
What is the name of A?
Arabian Sea
Water source for Pakistan and Northern India? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Water source for most populated areas on the Indian subcontinent? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Starts in the Himalayan mountains? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Empties into the Arabian Sea? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Empties into the Indian ocean? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Provides water for farmlands? Indus, Ganges, or Both?
Describe the monsoons that allowed the Anc. Indians to grow rice and other crops. What they brought and when they occured.
heavy rainfall in the summer
Where is the Indian subcontinent located?
South Asia
How did the Himalayan mountains help early settlements develop on the Indian subcontinent?
Provided a natural defense against invasion
Which major geographical feature forms a natural barrier between India and China?
Himalayan Mountains