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IELTS Listening test

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is not a question type in the listening test?
Writing an essay.
Multiple Choice.
Completing a chart.
Sentence completion.
What should you do before listening?
Read the question carefully.
Relax, it'll be OK.
Check your phone.
Who said "The more I practice, the luckier I get."
Gary Player
Gerry Farmer
Harry Slayer
Henry Layer
The main skills focus for section 3 is
listening for specific information, attitudes and opinions
listening for specific information
listening for gist
listening for the main ideas
The main skills focus in sections 1 & 2 is
listening for and noting specific factual information.
listening for gist.
listening for specific facts, attitudes and opinions.
listening for the main idea.
Section 4 is
a monologue on a study based topic.
a dialogue on a study based topic.
a monologue on an internet based topic.
a dialogue on a study based topic.
What is the setting for section 3?
An academic or educational situation
An academic situation
A work situation
A social situation
Section 2 is a...
monologue about a work or social situation
dialogue about a work or social situation
monologue about an academic situation
conversation between 3 speakers
An example of a section 1 topic would be
a telephone conversation about booking a hotel
a monologue about local history
a discussion between a student his tutor about an assignment
A lecture on human biology
What's the total length of the listening sections?
30 minutes
40 minutes
I'm not sure; I wasn't listening.
2 hours and 45 minutes
How many listening sections are there?
How long do you have to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet?
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
As long as you like
How many times do you hear the audio for each section?
Three times
A lady
How long does the listening test last in total ?
40 minutes
30 minutes
Too long
I can't remember because I wasn't listening.
Which part of the IELTS exam is the listening test?