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Will and going to

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(A) … they going to be here soon? (B) No, they …. a) Are / aren’t b) Do / not c) Are / won’t
… you … go home after our English class? A) Are / are b) Do / will c) Are / going to
What time are you going to … for the airport? a) leaving b) leave c) leaves
What are you going to do tomorrow morning?
I am going to ..............
What are you going to do after this class?
I am going to .........
Our son … three years old next January.
will be
Sarah didn’t eat lunch today, so I think she …... hungry soon. a) will be b) won’t c) won’t be
Jennifer doesn’t think she … ready to leave in half an hour. a) will be b) won’t be c) will
(A) … your brother be here soon? (B) Yes, he …. a) Won’t be / will be b) Will be / will c) Will / will
Thomas is sick, so he … in class today
won't be
My friend … on time because the bus was late. a) will be b) won’t c) won’t be
Let’s go to the beach tomorrow! I think it … sunny. a) will be b) won’t be c) won’t