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What are they doing?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dad ......... up the car keys. (pick)
My dad is picking up the car keys.
I ............. a green jacket. (not - wear)
I'm not wearing a green jacket.
Ash............. cards. (not - play)
Ash isn't playing cards.
The farmer ............. vegetables. (grow)
The farmer is growing vegetables.
The farmer ............. vegetables. (grow)
The farmer is growing vegetables.
The scientist .......... in the lab. (work)
The scientist is working in the lab.
The vet ............. after a dog. ( look)
The vet is looking after a dog.
The dogs ................... now. (not - bark)
The dogs are barking now.
Musicians ................... for the concert. (practice)
Musicians are practicing for the concert.
The chef .......... delicious meals. (cook)
The chef is cooking delicious meals.
They .............. now. (not - run)
They aren't running now.
He .............. in the classroom. (not - sit)
He isn't sitting in the classroom.
My mum .......... a cake in the kitchen. (make)
My mum is making a cake in the kitchen.
They ............. with the ball. (not - play)
They aren't playing with the ball.