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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does CSR stand for?
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is compulsory for every industrialist. TRUE OR FALSE?
The aim of the industrial development corporations is to decentralize industrialization. TRUE OR FALSE
Small and medium industries are harmful to heavy industries. TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE ( because production from heavy industries is larger and it grows faster)
How does industrial development impacts national development?
1. Employment opportunities are generated, 2. per capita income increases, 3. standard of living increases, 4. increase of foreign exchange
The level of industrialization is an indicator of the economic development of a country. TRUE OR FALSE
Which of the following cities is not an IT centre? (Old delhi, New Delhi, Noida, Bengaluru)
Old Delhi
Which of these factors does not directly impact industrial development? (Labor, Water, Air, Electricity)
Which of the following is a small scale industry? (Machine Parts, Silk Industry, Book binding industry, Sugar Industry)
Book binding industry
An amount of 2% of the profits have to be utilized for which purpose by industries?
Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R)
What does M.I.D.C stand for?
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation