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Prepare 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you reading or learning anything this time?
What do you like doing in your free time?
I like....
What personality do you have?
I think I'm.... kind/ polite / friendly....
Tell about your family.
In my family there are ____ people.....
How old are you? What's your phone number?
I'm .... It's ....
What's your family name? Where do you live?
My family name is.... I live ....
Think of an animal but don't say it. Describe it to your partner to guess.
It's ___ It's from ___ It eats___
What transport do you use more often?
I usually go by.....
What did you do last weekend?
I was.... I + V2/ed
What were you doing on Christmas holiday?
I was.....
Describe your home and say what things you've got.
attractive / cosy / peaceful / cooker / balcony....
What is the best school subject for you? Which one is the worst? Why?
It's.... because
Choose any object in the classroom. Don't say it! It's a secret! Describe it for you partner to guess.
It's .....big / heavy / smooth / soft... It's made of cotton / metal / plastic...
What activities / sports have you never done but want to try?
I want to try....
What are you doing this weekend? What are you doing tonight?
Make 5 predictions about your groupmates
I think ____ will / won't / may / might (not) + V.....
Think about your perfect school. What rules are there? (make 5 sentences)
In my perfect school we have to / must / mustn't / don't have to....
What board games do you have at home? How often do you play them?
I have.... I play...
In my free time I enjoy....
to + V / Ving
I don't mind ........... at home
This week at school I need.....
to ....
Next year I hope _______
Do you have a blog? Do you upload photos on it?
Yes / no.... I (don't) upload...
What are your favorite websites? What do you usually download from the Internet?
I like .... I usually download...