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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you see from the London Eye?
famous London buildings, bridges, the river Thames
What do you ride in on the London Eye?
A glass pod
What is Carla going to do in London?
Go on the London Eye
Where is Carla going next week?
What were in the back of the bulls and what did they do?
Silver rods held up a canopy
How many bulls were there in the chiefs tomb?
How old is the gold bull?
4,000 years old
What kind of shoes does Luke say the visitors should wear?
Comfortable shoes
What do the lights inside the palace do?
Make everything look shiny and new
What does Luke say the palace looks like?
A big sugary cake
Which countries do the review writers come from?
Canada, Spain
When is the Winter Palace closed?
What places can you visit inside the Winter Palace?
special exhibitions, the gift shop, the cafe
What things can you see in the Winter Palace?
Paintings and treasure, marble staircases, hundreds of rooms
What is the building like?
It is very large with many tall windows
Where is the Winter Palace
St Petersburg, Russia