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Six months after leaving the shi'b of Abu Talib, Two sad events took place, What are these?
The death of Abu Talib and The death of Khadijah.
Mention briefly, How was the boycott ended?
the true answer
The boycott lasted for how many years?
3 years, from the seventh to the tenth year of the prophet's mission.
Why did Quraish decide to enforce The Boycott against the muslims.
Some of the reasons: Embracing Hamza & Omar Islam..Many people from many tribes entered Islam.. The safety of the emigrants in Abyssinia..
Omar Ibn Al-Khatab embraced Islam at:
The sixth year after the Qur'anic Revelation.
After the conversion of Hamaza, the biggest victory for the prophet at this time was the conversion of?
Al-Farooq:Omar Ibn Al-Khatab
In the first sommons:Jafar Ibn Abee Talib recited the first verses of Surat Mariam to the Negus,Do you think it was a good choice , Why?
Undoubtedly,This chapter deals with the prophets that the Negus believes in them, Specially the Prophet Isa (PBUH) and the story of his birth.
Some of the emigrants stayed in Abyssinia for fifteen years, then they joined the prophet in Al-Madinah at ?
The seventh year after the prophet's settlement in Al-Madinah.
The emigration to Abyssinia took place at which year?
The fifth year of the start of the revelation.
How many Muslim emigrants travelled to Abyssinia?
14 men and 6 women
When life became very hard for the believers, The Prophet(PBUH) suggested to the muslims to:
to leave for Abassinya whose christian king was a just ruler.
After all the efforts of Quraish to stop spreading Islam went in vain, What did Quraish do?
Started to react violently.
The enemys of The Prophet were reluctant to attack him because of the presence of:
His Uncle Abu Talib
What was the effect of surat Fussilat on Utbah?
He said:"I have heard something like which I have never heard in my life. It is neither poetry , nor sorcery, nor has it to do with soothsaying.
Which surah did The Prophet(PBUH) recite to Utbah when Utbah made his offers?
Surat Fussilat