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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the future, Abdulrahman will live in countryside and he will have only 1 cow. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Samed will have an elephant but he doesn't know what to do with it. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Ms. Beyza will live in a small room in New York and she will have crowded family. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Ensar will be pilot but won't have any friends or pets and he will die alone :( What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Büşra will live in an apartment but she will have a lot money. She will move to Makkah later. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Halil will have 9 grandchildren but he will move to Ukraine. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Halil will live in Los Angeles. He will be rich at first but he will be poor later. What should he do?
He should ...
In the future, Åževval will have eight children but she will be unemployed. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Abdulrahman will be a hacker but he will live in the countryside. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Abdulrahman will have two millions dollars but have only 2 friends. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Buse won't have a family. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Buse will have some friends who are not very nice. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Emre will have 9 different kinds of pets but he will move to Makkah later. What should he do?
He should...
In the future, Sena will live in a palace but she won't have any friends. What should she do?
She should...
In the future, Burak will have a friend but this friend steals from him. He is a thief. What should Burak do?
He should ...