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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You're at the pool for your first swimming lesson. Don't ................... over the deep end, you might fall in. (lean / away from / toward / gravity)
You're asleep and dreaming. In your dream, there is a big monster with two green heads. You're very scared because it is coming ................ you!
You feel sad. You're going to an adventure camp for two weeks. You won't be with your family. You'll be ................... your friends, too.
away from
You're in the park. Some bugs are moving near the tree. Suddenly, you can't see them anymore. They disappeared. Which ....................... did they go in? Up the tree!
REWRITE: Dan sent his photos to me. ? Dan sent .........
Dan sent me his photos.
REWRITE: As he becomes older, he wants to go out less. ? The older ......
The older he becomes, the less he wants to go out.
REWRITE: My sister is a student. She likes Maths. ? My sister is a student .....
My sister is a student who likes Maths.
REWRITE: My friend bought me orange juice. ? My friend bought .....
My friend bought (some) orange juice for me.
REWRITE: She eats too much. She gets fat. ? The more ....
The more she eats, the fatter she gets.
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: My friends sent to me flowers and stuffed animals on my birthday.
to me => me
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: Did you used to go fishing when you were a kid?
used => use
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: Last year, Jimmy used to went to school by bus.
went => go
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: Can't leave food on the beach!
Can't => Don't / Mustn't
The ............. (hard) we try, the ............... (many) we succeed.
hard - more
Edison ............... the light bulb in 1897. (invent - invented - inventing - invention)
Which is non-biodegradable? (leaf - plastic bag - banana peel - paper bag)
plastic bag
Do 10 jumping jacks
Keep fit and be healthy!
PRONUNCIATION: Enjoy - rEsources - rEcycle - invEnt
PRONUNCIATION: bAlance - lAyer - whAle - nAtion
Touch your toes 10 times!
Keep fit and be healthy! :)