Edit Game
Aim high 2 - Units 8-9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The car went out of control and _______ over the cliff: a) smashed b) unleashed c) plunged
c) plunged
She's been ________ with murder: a) released b) charged c) traced
b) charged
What is 'joyriding'?
driving fast and dangerously for pleasure, especially in a stolen vehicle
Name 5 pieces of police equipment.
a helmet, a shield, a bulletproof vest, a torch, a baton
What are they?
Say 5 types of crime.
burglary, fraud, murder, shoplifting, vandalism
Say extreme adjectives for the definitions: very big, very clever, very small, very surprsed, very happy
enormous, brilliant, tiny, astonished, delighted
To stop suddenly
Come to a halt
What is 'tip-off'?
Secret information that you give to somebody
Make verbs from the words: bright, danger, worse, courage, rich
brighten, endanger, worsen, encourage, enrich
Say 5 global issues.
child labour, famine, piracy, pollution, racism
Say 5 verbs connected with WATER.
to irrigate, to splash, to spill, to squirt, to dribble
What is 'a leap year'?
366 days
What is it?
A large piece of something
What does 'collapse' mean?
To suddenly fall down