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to do (hacer)
do- did- done
to be (ser, estar)
be, was/were, seen
to feel (sentir)
feel- felt- felt
to leave (dejar, marchar)
leave- left- left
to sleep (dormir)
sleep- slept- slept
keep (mantener, guardar)
keep- kept- kept
hurt (dañar)
hurt- hurt- hurt
cut (cortar)
cut- cut- cut
to read (leer)
read- read- read
put (poner)
put- put- put
let (permitir, dejar hacer)
let - let - let
to throw (tirar)
throw - threw - thrown
to know (saber, conocer)
know- knew- known
to grow (crecer)
grow, grew, grown
To blow (soplar, hacer volar)
blow, blew, blown