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A2 Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we .................... (go) the party, they .................(watch) a film at home.
went/were watching
What is the V2 form of "pay" ?
What is the V2 form of "cut" ?
While you ...................(decorate) the new year tree, I .................... (exchange) our pillows
were decorating / exchanged
.................I looked after the children, she was shopping.
When / While
................ she was washing the dishes, I cleaned the table.
When / While
I ...................(work) yesterday at 10 p.m.
worked / was working
We can't catch the bus. (be able to)
We aren't able to catch the bus.
They couldn't draw nice pictures. (be able to)
They weren't able to draw nice pictures.
We can drive fast. (be able to)
We are able to drive fast.
I could climb a tree. (be able to)
I was able to climb a tree.
Synonym of "unplanned" ?
Synonym of " traffic congestion" ?
Traffic jam
I have a sore throat, so I ......................... eat ice-cream.
mustn't / shouldn't
He................(not/have to/buy) a cake because my mum made a cake.
doesn't have to buy
.............. I .............. (have to/ go) to school today? Yes, you do.
Do I have to go to school today?
Your friend.................(have to/fasten) her seatbelt in the plane.
has to
She is so smart that she ................... memorize all the words on the word-list.
can / could
I ................ swim when I was a child.
can't / couldn't
You .................... show your HES code when you enter a shopping mall. If not, they can't enter.
must / should
You ................ pay money for the tickets because it is free.
mustn't / don't have to
What is the negative form of "friendly" ?
What is the negative form of "responsible" ?
What is the negative form of "honest" ?