Edit Game
Aim high 3 - Unit 9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
A receipt
Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech: ‘Do you like my dress?’ Grace asked her dad ...
Grace asked her dad if he liked her dress.
Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech: We aren’t going on holiday next year. Our aunt and uncle told us ...
Our aunt and uncle told us they weren't going on holiday the next year.
What are they?
a person who takes a risk by opening a new company to make money
an entrepreneur
Burglars often ________ houses when the owners are away on holiday: a) go with b) go over c) break into)
c) break into
What is the synonym of 'to die'?
to pass away
What does 'to donate' mean?
to give things to other people
Rewrite the sentences using the structure 'have something done': We asked the shop to deliver our new sofa.
We had our new sofa delivered.
Complete the idioms: cost a ..., tighten your ..., roll in ...
cost a fortune, tighten your belts, roll in money
Add prepositions to words: ... chance, ... control, ... scratch
by chance, under control, from scratch
Rewrite the sentence as the third conditional sentence: She didn't cook anything because she was too tired.
She would have cooked something if she hadn't been too tired.
What are they?
What does 'count on someone' mean?
to rely on someone
A project which is new and possibly risky
What is the synonym of 'whole, complete '?