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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the Juderías?
Jewish neighbourhood
What's the name of the city market during AL-Á?
Why were the City Walls so important?
Because the defended the city against attacks.
Where did the King live in AL-Á town?
Alcazar (inside Alcazaba)
Which three religious communities coexisted during Al-Ándalus?
Christians, Jews and Muslims
How do we call the small independent states in Al-Ándalus=
What year Christians reconquered Granada?
Which territory was NOT conquered during Al-Ándalus?
North of Spain (Asturias)
Which was the last Moorish Kingdoom?
Kingdom of Granada
Who was the first Emir during the Emirate of Córdoba?
Abd al-Rahman I
Moors defeated the Visigoths in... (beginning of AL-ÁNDALUS)
Battle of Guadalete (711)
During Visigoths settlement in Hispania, the capital was ...
Which tribes did the Visigoths defeated in the Iberian Peninsula?
Alans, Suevis and Vandals
Which event marks the beginning of Middle Ages?
The Fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD)
In which age arose the First Civilizations?
During Ancient History