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Christmas is coming!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sing "Jingle bells!"
Bring some Christmas sweets
Kotek jest w skarpecie/stocking/
The kitten is in the Christmas stocking
Mikołaj jest pomiędzy workiem a choinką
Father Christmas is between the bag and the Christmas tree
Ten ptak jest na ostrokrzewie/holly/
The bird is on the holly
Ten wieniec /The wreath/ma duże oczy
The wreath has got big eyes
Ten pies ma małą choinkę
The dog has got a small christmas tree
Oni mają duże cukrowe laski
They have got big candy canes
Ten bałwan ma śmieszną czapkę
The snowman has got a funny hat
On ma małego renifera
He has got a small reindeer
Kotek ma czerwonÄ… bombkÄ™
The kitten has got a red ball
Światełka są na oknie
The lights are on the window
Ona ma dzwonek
She has got a bell
Ten anioł jest biały
Te angel is white
Gwiazda jest na choince
The star is on the christmas tree
Oni majÄ… prezenty
They have got presents