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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you like to be a viking? Why?
What an answer!
Do you think cargo ships also had weapons on them? Why?
Wow, good answer!
Why do you think made some vikings stay to live?
Good thinking!
Why do you think vikings buried people on boats?
Because they believed in an afterlife - people who went on a boat burial will go to a viking god
Why do you think the vikings fought with other people and take their things?
Why do you think vikings explored different lands instead of staying at one place?
Why do you think the vikings put dragon heads on longships?
That might be true!
What would you like to do if you were a viking?
Why do you think vikings became good at making craft/art?
Cool answer!
What do you think it was like living in a longhouse?