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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is Scooge's deceased business partner who warns he that he'd better shape up?
Jacob Marley
Who says, "God Bless Us, Everyone!"
Tiny Tim
Who is this?
Lyndon B Johnson, president during the 1960s
Who is this?
Randy the Soc
What vocabulary word has this definition? "the reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way"
What is the name of our school nurse?
Mrs. Anderson
Where did Mrs. Dini go to college?
University of Illinois
What country is Nadira's family from?
What religion does Nadira's family practice in Ask Me No Questions?
What is the literary term for "the message the author sends in a story"?
Who is the author of "The Landlady"?
Roald Dahl
Who is this?
Paul Newman
What is the name of our library's online encyclopedia?
In "Hello My Name is ...", Jason Kim moves to the United States from which country?
South Korea
What are large works of art painted on the outside of buildings called?
What vocabulary word's definition is "to follow and fit into the rules or standards of a group"
What common condition does Rosie King have?
What vocabulary word's definition is "a social group or division based on wealth"
The children's story, Voices in the Park, has how many different perspectives?
What is the Point of View of Ask Me No Questions?
First Person
What do we call the different types of fiction? What are these categories called?
What does the root "mar/mer" mean?
What does the root "circum" mean?
What was the name of the short story about Rosaria, the maid's daughter, who is paid after thinking she is a guest at the birthday party?
The Stolen Party
Who said "I stuff all of my pets after they pass away."
The Landlady