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Definition game FFF

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is green and you can usually find it in gardens. Cows eat it.
A king might wear this on his head when he is with other important people.
A crown
Older students go to this place to learn subjects like history or geography.
A college
If you are wearing jeans, you can put your key or phone in this.
A pocket
This is the soft coat that animals like rabbits and kittens have on their bodies.
In this subject you might learn how metals change when they get hot.
This is perhaps the best animal to ride if you want to cross a desert.
A camel
These are the words and ways people speak in different parts of the world.
Birds and butterflies use these to help them fly high in the air.
Women and girls wear these when they go swimming.
In your music lessons, you might listen to people playing these.
You keep information in this on a computer or laptop.
A file
To help you to remember a spicial day, draw a circle round the date on this.
A calendar
When something is old and you do not want it, it is a good idea to put it in this.
A bin
When you do not understand a word, look in this to find out what means.
A dictionary
They are usually made of metal, you can use them to cut thin card or plastic.
When you break a cup or plate, you can try to repair it with this.
Some students learn to play different instruments and tunes in this class.
You practice talking and listening to your partner and learn new words in these lessons.
When you study this, you might learn about rocks or caves.
You have to count and perhaps add numbers together in this subject.
Teachers might tell you famous facts about the past in this lesson.