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Types of Poems

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I know green... Green is the child of earth and sun It shines like a youthful athlete It is tranquility Peace Promise It slithers through jungles and slides down mountains It sings like the first day of summer..."
Color poem
Green is apples, markers, and cool. Green is the taste of vegetables. Green smells like grass and rain. Green makes me feel envious. Green is spring.
Color poem
Happiness is sunshine yellow. It sounds like children laughing in the park. It tastes like an ice cream sundae. It smells like brownies baking in the oven. It looks like me when you smile. It makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.
Five Senses
"Winter smells like chimney smoke. Winter tastes like ice. Winter looks like heaven. Winter feels like a deepfreeze. Winter sounds like a howling wolf."
Five Senses
"Beautiful brown liquid steaming in my cup, Becoming a muddy river as I stir in the cream. The aroma that gives me courage, The flavor that tastes like hope for a better day, And the energy that renews my will to live.
Free verse
"An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again."
"If not for the cat, And the scarcity of cheese, I could be content."
What type of poem is this?
Rebus poem
What type of poem is this?
Rebus poem
What type of poem is this?
Shape poem
What type of poem is this?
Shape poem
"The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on."
Free verse
"Home Open and inviting Universal Safe and warm Everything"
"Crunchy chewy Awesome Nice and sweet Delightful and delicious Yummy treat"