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Present simple tense - affirmative form

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(?) ............. you ............. in a big apartment?
Do ............. live
(?) ............. he ............. dressed at nine o'clock every evening? (get)
Does ............. get
(?) ............. he ............. playing chess?
Does ............. like
(?) ............. they ............. their family on Tet holiday? (visit)
Do ........ visit
(-) He ................................ home at half past five in the afternoon. (walk) 
doesn't walk
(+) She always ................................ lunch at eleven o'clock. (have)
(-) We ................................ in a house. (live)
don't live
(+) They never ................................ school in the evening. (start)
(-) Her cat ................................ at five o'clock in the morning. (get up)
doesn't get up
(-) He ................................  homework at half past seven. (do)
doesn't do
(+) Jason often ................................ to bed at half past nine. (go)
(+) My dad never ................................ the bus to work. (catch)
(-) I ................................ a shower every morning. (have)
don't have
(-) They  ................................ dinner at seven every evening. (have)
don't have
(+) She sometimes ................................ lunch at home. (have)
(+) I always ................................ the piano at night. (play)
(?) .................... She ......................... school at four o'clock every day? (finish)
Does ......... finish