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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The horse .... (not eat) apples
The horse doesn't eat apples
Bob and Sam ....... (like) pizza
Bob and Sam like pizza
Complete the gap with the PRESENT SIMPLE: The cat ..... (send) text messages every day
The cat sends text messages every day
Complete the gap with the PRESENT SIMPLE: Emily ...... (not go) shopping every day
Emily doesn't go shopping every day
Sixteen past one
Ten to ten
Name FOUR routines you do in your bedroom
get dressed, get up, tidy my room, do homework, go to bed
Name the last routine you do in the evening
go to bed
Make a question using the PRESENT SIMPLE: What / you / watch / on TV / ?
What do you watch on TV?
Make a question using THE PRESENT SIMPLE: your teachers / give you homework / every day / ?
Do your teachers give you homework every day?
Make a question using the PRESENT SIMPLE: when / your mother / meet friends / ?
When does your mother meet friends?
Something that costs nothing we say it is....
Something that is contrary to the law is....
Name TWO time expressions you can use at the end of a sentence
on Mondays, every day, once a week...
Name six time expressions in order of frequency
Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
Name THREE activities related to music
download songs, listen to music and play the guitar
Name TWO activities you can ONLY do with a mobile phone
send text messages, talk on the phone