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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question properly: Is your father short?
Yes, he is / No, he isn't
What is the meaning of these words: weak and lazy
dèbil i vago
Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE GOT: ........ your parents ...... blue eyes?
Have your parents got blue eyes?
What are "cartoons"?
dibuixos animats
Complete the gaps with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: He ..... brown hair and brown eyes. He ..... a rap singer and an actor.
He has got brown hair and brown eyes. He is a rap singer and an actor.
Name the opposite of : fat and wide
thin and narrow
How do you say these words in English: vergonyós, valent i dèbil
shy, brave and weak
What is the meaning of these adjectives: hard-working, confident and easy-going
treballador, segur de ell mateix i fàcil de tractar
Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE GOT: What colour hair ...... your teacher .....?
What colour hair has your teacher got?
Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE HOT: ........ you 13 years old?
Are you 13 years old?
How do you say "personatge" in English?
What is the meaning of the word: "well-known"?
Well-known = famous
Complete with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: They ....... (not) short. They ....... very tall. They ...... (not) light hair.
The aren't short. They are very tall. They haven't got light hair.
Complete with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: He ........ a singer. He ....... (not) straight hair. He ...... curly hair.
He is a singer. He hasn't got straight hair. He has got curly hair.
What is the difference between the verb "to be" and "have got"
The meaning: "to be" means ser o estar and "have got" means tindre
Name FOUR adjectives you can use to describe the hair
short, long, straight, curly, dark, light
Say a synonym of the word "beautiful"
Good-looking / Pretty / Cute