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B&B D6

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(p.115) What does Ben use to make the dress?
He uses a needle.
(p. 115) What is he doing?
He is making a new dress for Tina.
(p. 115) What superpower is Ben using?
He is using the superpower of flight.
(p. 115) What is he doing?
He is getting a very big rope off a ship.
(p. 115) Where is Ben?
He is at the harbour.
(p. 115) Does Tina think that calming herself down is easy?
No, she doesn’t. She thinks it’s anything but easy
(p. 114) What does Brenda ask her to do?
She asks her to calm down.
(p. 114) What can Ben and Brenda do?
Maybe they can help Tina.
What does Brenda say to Tina to calm her down?
She tells her to take a deep breath and count to ten. She’s certain Tina can do it.
What does she do next?
She cries. / She bursts into tears.
How does Tina feel once Ben and Brenda have tied her up?
She feels angry.