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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In a story arc, what is another word for the "end" of a story?
In a story arc, what is another word for the "beginning" of a story?
In the equation of a line (y = mx + b), what does the "b" represent?
the y-intercept of a line
In the equation of a line (y = mx + b), what does the "m" represent?
the slope of the line
Materials that stop the flow of electricity are called __________.
Materials that allow the flow of electricity are called __________.
If a switch is OPEN in a circuit, will the electricity flow?
What's the large number in front of a variable called? (ex: 4x)
a coefficient
What is the equation of a line?
y = mx + b
This rapper released his first studio album during 2021. What is the name of the album?
This album was the biggest release in Rap for 2021. What is the name of it?
Certified Lover Boy - Drake
What is the name of the album that Polo G released this year (2021)?
Hall of Fame
The average day on Earth has how many hours?
24 hours
Name the famous Wookiee featured in Star Wars.
Meghan Thee Stallion and Beyonce both hail from which US city?
Houston, Texas
Name this female rapper
Doja Cat
Cardi B recently had a son. What is his name?
Trick Question -- she hasn't announced it!
Identify the adverb in this sentence: The boy ran faster than his friend.
Identify the verb in this sentence: The boy ran faster than his friend.
Identify the noun in the sentence: The big red dog is named Clifford.
Identify an adjective in the sentence: The big red dog is named Clifford.
Big or Red
Which Marvel movie included the last cameo by comic writer Stan Lee?
Avengers: Endgame
Actor Mark Ruffalo plays which Marvel character?
Bruce Banner/the Hulk
What fictional country is Black Panther set in?
What type of doctor is Doctor Strange?
a neurosurgeon
Where is Captain America from?
Brooklyn, NY
In Marvel, how many Infinity Stones are there?
What type of race is the Tour de France?
In football, how many points does a team receive for a touchdown?
How many miles are in a marathon?
26.2 miles
What color are all goalposts in football?
How many holes are played in an average round of golf?
What does the NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association
These two sisters from the US have made history in the sport of tennis. Who are they?
Venus and Serena Williams
What's it called when a bowler makes 3 strikes in a row?
a turkey
Where are the 2022 Winter Olympics being held?
Beijing, China
What is the diameter of a basketball hoop (in inches)?
18 in.
Name the show these characters are from:
Adventure Time
What does TMNT stand for?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ?
Name ALL the human characters from the Rugrats shown in this image.
Chucky, Phil and Lil, Angelica & Tommy
Name this hit 90s Nickelodeon cartoon:
Hey Arnold!
What are the 7 continents?
Africa, Asia, Europe, N. America, S. America, Australia, Antarctica
Name the country AND continent that this structure is found in.
France, Europe
What country are the Great Pyramids found in?
What is the name of this internationally known, tilted structure?
Leaning Tower of Pisa