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The economy

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a multinational ? What is the CEO?
A large company that operates in many countries. The director of the company.
In the COOPERATIVES, the employees are all owners of the company and they vote to take important decisions. True or false?
If you are SELF-EMPLOYED, you are the boss. You decide where, when and how to work. True or false?
When you borrow money from the bank (a loan), the money that you have to pay back to the bank is lower/ higher than the initial amount. WHY?
Higher, because of the interest.
What is a LOAN? and a MORTGAGE?
préstamo, hipoteca
If a family has and income of 1900 € and expenses of 750 €, how much money do they save at the end of the month? TOTAL SAVINGS?
1150 €
What is the meaning of expenses?
The money going out--> GASTOS
What is the meaning of income?
The money coming in --> INGRESOS
What is a budget? Which 2 parts does it contain?
A budget shows the income and the expenses of a family on a period of time (a month, a year..)
What are high-order products?
Those products that are expensive and we don't buy them very often.
Low order products are those that are cheap and we buy them frequently. True or false?
What is this?
When companies advertised their products intentionally in a film, it is called: broadcast or product placement?
product placement
Advertisements can appear on:......................., ............................, ................................ and in the street.
the internet, print media, television
The country with the biggest economy in the EU is................
.......% of the working population in Spain works in the tertiary sector.
.......% of the working population in Spain works in the secondary sector.
.......% of the working population in Spain works in the primary sector.
The ..................................consists of activities that sell products or............................such as (3 examples):..................., .............................. and ..............................
tertiary sector/ provide services
The ................................is responsible for transforming raw materials into...................... This takes places in .....................or workshops.
secondary sector/ manufactured (elaborated) goods/ factories
Say 3 examples of activities in the primary sector.
farming, fishing, forestry, mining...
The................................is responsible for obtaining raw materials from nature.
Primary sector