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Imperatives Say it in english

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Vidi me
See me
Do nothing
Ne raditi ništa.
Čitati knjige
Read books.
Učiti nove stvari
Learn new things
Biti u formi.
Keep fit.
Jesti zdravu hranu.
Eat healthy food.
Pomfrit nije zdrav .
Chips is unhealthy.
Riba je zdrava hrana.
Fish is healthy food.
Voda je dobra za tebe
Water is good for you.
Kola je loša za tebe
Cola is bad for you
zabavljati se
have fun
Hajde da se igramo se u parku
Let's play in the park
Hajde da jahašemo ponija
Let's ride a pony.
Hajde da igramo žmurke
Let's play hide and seak
igrati igrice na kompjuteru
Play computer games
Igrati se sa loptom
Play ball
Ići na plivanje.
Go swimming
Clean up.
Izvadi svoju peronicu.
Take out your pencil case.
Skloni svoju svesku.
Put away your notebook.
Dodaj mi olovku.
Pass me a pencil.
Zatvori svoju torbu.
Close your bag.
Otvori svoju knjigu.
Open your book.
Spusti olovku.
Put down your pencil.
Podigni gumicu!
Pick up your rubber.
Sedi za sto!
Sit at you desk.