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Equations Math 7 review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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8x = -72
x = -9
The school spent $548 in basketball equipment and uniforms that were 29.50 each. If there total was $2023, how many uniforms did they order??
For lunch Mary bought a soda and candy bars. The soda cost $4 and she bought 5 candy bars each. If she spent a total of $19, how much was each candy bar?
3 dollars
The bike shop charges a fee of $17 plus $6 per hour to fix bikes. If Mike spent $59 how many hours did the bike take to get fixed?
7 hours
-6 + 2v = -10
v = -2
9(m + 6) = -27
m = -9
5 + 7r = -30
r = -5
2(a + 5) = 14
a = 2
36 = 1 + 7a
a = 5
(1/2)w - 7 = 13
w = 40
-2p - 3 = -19
p = 8
-40 = 12x + 8
x = -4
4b = 32
b = 8
v + 9 = 15
v = 6
4(g -1) = 24
g = 7
(1/6)y - 3 = -11
y = -48
5n + 5 = 45
n = 8