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SS8H1: American Indians and European Exploration

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why was European Contact a Negative thing for the Natives
Disease was spread throughout the Native population and many died.
Was European Contact a positive or negative thing for Natives
TRUE OR FALSE: The English and Spanish were great allies(friends)
Where did the English establish the 13 colonies
The east coast of North America
What is Mercantilism
Establishing Colonies that will benefit their Mother country by exporting more than they import
Why did the English Explore?
To establish colonies and practice Mercantilism
What was the purpose of a Spanish Mission?
To convert Natives to Christianity
Why did the Spanish explore?
God, Gold, and Glory
What Spanish Explorer was the first to explore Georgia.
Hernando de Soto
What practice did Mississippians use to feed their tribes.
Horticulture (small gardens) then Agriculture (Large scale farming)
How were Wattle and Daub houses constructed by the Mississippians?
Interwoven sticks made the walls which were then insulated with mud and clay
Mississippians used what material to make weapons and tools?
What was the staple crop of the Mississippian diet
Maize (corn)
What were the large structures that Mississippian Indians built. Some of which are still around today?
TRUE OR FALSE: Mississippians believed in many gods
What was the New World?
North and South America.
What Native group was living in Georgia when Europeans discovered the New World
Why were Europeans Exploring?
Looking for faster Trade Routes to Asia