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Fall 2021 UESL English Final Exam Review - Vocab ...

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GRAMMAR : Name and explain the four types of sentences.
Declarative (= Statement), Interrogative (= Question), Imperative (= Command), Exclamatory (= Exclamation)
GRAMMAR : Identify the COMPLETE PREDICATE of the sentence. “I want to eat a salmon sashimi cake on my birthday.”
want to eat a salmon sashimi cake on my birthday
GRAMMAR : Identify the COMPLETE PREDICATE of the sentence. “The hand sanitizer was stolen by people who wanted to make money.”
was stolen by people who wanted to make money
GRAMMAR : Identify the COMPLETE SUBJECT of the sentence. “Some people think angels exist in real life.”
Some people
GRAMMAR : Identify the COMPLETE SUBJECT of the sentence. “Blue whales are mammals just like us.”
Blue whales
GRAMMAR : “Most experiences in life are not like TV.” SENTENCE or FRAGMENT?
GRAMMAR : “Before the principal comes.” SENTENCE or FRAGMENT?
GRAMMAR : “Alex’s purple shirt.” SENTENCE or FRAGMENT?
GRAMMAR : You have to be strong and do this by yourself. STRONG is what part of speech?
GRAMMAR : Most pretty shoes are uncomfortable. UNCOMFORTABLE is what part of speech?
GRAMMAR : The banner fell from the ceiling again. FELL is what part of speech?
VOCABULARY : You have to __ using a translator, calculator, or searching the Internet while doing the exam. [ wobbled / shelves / bargain / resist ]
VOCABULARY : Squids are __ in the ocean waters because their predators are getting fewer and fewer, so they can live long and have many babies. [ flourish / refuge / retail / tempted ]
VOCABULARY : That motel is __ because there are no windows, cold showers, cockroaches, and even a few ghosts. [ tempted / investor / browse / inhospitable ]
VOCABULARY : Food is an important __ that not everyone has, so it isn’t right to destroy and waste your snack. [ resource / gear / consumer / exchange ]
VOCABULARY : I don’t have any friends because I don’t have __ time outside of work to see them or even message them. [ stray / announcement / adequate / export ]
VOCABULARY : When students couldn’t choose between singing or dancing for the Christmas show, they __ by letting students choose to sing, dance, or both at the same time. [ browse / compromise / wilt / adequate]
VOCABULARY : Rei usually goes to the bigger mall to shop from a __ of different products. [ amusement / splendid / obvious / variety ]
VOCABULARY : The fans cheered with __ as the dogs in the contest did their tricks. [ enthusiasm / brainstorm / stray / yanked ]
VOCABULARY : Danielle is saving up __ to buy a new iPad. [ announcement / funds / thread / rehearsal ]
VOCABULARY : Larry gave me a movie coupon, but it was __ because it expired in April. [ frozen / obvious / worthless / plentiful ]
VOCABULARY : Thomas didn’t want to __ on his design for the competition; he wanted to make something all by himself. [ reject / suitable / collaborate / grit ]
VOCABULARY : The __ outside the subway station sells bubble gum, socks, and magazines. [peddler / physical / reaction / barter]
PHONICS : Which word has a long vowel in the second syllable? [ remind / water / demand ]