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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I guess she won’t miss (be) in a relationship with him.
I guess she won’t miss being in a relationship with him.
Brian expected (get) back together with his girlfriend, but she didn’t even let him (say) a word to her.
Brian expected to get back together with his girlfriend, but she didn’t even let him say a word to her.
Have you finished (write) that essay? You promised (check) my Math homework.
Have you finished writing that essay? You promised to check my Math homework.
We agreed (help) our friend with a bake sale, but now she’s making us (bake) all those cookies!
We agreed to help our friend with a bake sale, but now she’s making us bake all those cookies!
— Is everything okay? You seem (be) tired. — I haven’t been sleeping well lately, so I hope (finish) this project soon.
— Is everything okay? You seem to be tired. — I haven’t been sleeping well lately, so I hope to finish this project soon.
Do you mind (switch) seats with me? I’d like (sit) closer to the teacher.
Do you mind switching seats with me? I’d like to sit closer to the teacher.
How did you manage (keep) a straight face? I couldn’t help (laugh) during his speech.
How did you manage to keep a straight face? I couldn’t help laughing during his speech.
My husband was really looking forward to (attend) Pink’s concert, but in the end we decided (not/go).
My husband was really looking forward to attending Pink’s concert, but in the end we decided not to go.
I can’t stand (work) with my new colleague because he always refuses (help) me.
I can’t stand working with my new colleague because he always refuses to help me.
Julia doesn’t enjoy (cook), but she needs (feed) her children.
Julia doesn’t enjoy cooking, but she needs to feed her children.
My parents want (sell) the house, but I really adore (live) in this neighbourhood.
My parents want to sell the house, but I really adore living in this neighbourhood.